The Ultimate Shopping Spree Guide to Rome
2021-11-07 0#Shopping, #RomeVlog, #Rome What an epic trip – a life-time journey to the eternal city of Italy – Rome. Here I am on my way to Rome. It’s my first day here and it’s time for a quick shopping spree. While walking through the shopping streets of Rome, I’ve noticed that grocery stores in Rome…
The History and Significance of Capitoline Hill in Rome
2021-10-16 0#CapitolineHill, #Campidoglio, #Rome What an epic trip – a life-time journey to the eternal city of Italy – Rome. The Capitoline Hill here in Rome is one of my favorite places in Italy. The Piazza del Campidoglio including the Cordonata was designed by Michelangelo and is the highlight of this popular place. Capitoline Hill, located…
Altar of the Fatherland Sightseeing: 10 Interesting facts You Didn’t Know
2021-07-18 0#AltareDellaPatria, #Rome, #MohammedAli What an epic trip – a life-time journey to the eternal city of Italy – Rome. The Altare della Patria (also known as Vittorio Emanuele II Monument) here in Rome is a monument built in honor of Victor Emmanuel II who was the first king of a unified Italy, located in Rome.…